Clipchamp video editor from video my image

First look at Clipchamp Microsoft’s Browser Video Recording and Editing

You have heard me talk about prompts and how they’re important for developing new habits and behavior. Well, my exploration of Clipchamp was prompted by a client wanting to use it. They ask me to look into using Clipchamp for producing an educational video series for sector professionals.

Will new video change your strategy and systems?

According to Michael Porter, whenever we change software, cameras, or a system there is going to be a switching cost. And as Edwards Deming has pointed out, when we change one part of a system it will have an effect on other parts of that system.

What switching cost will be involved with using Clipchamp?

Part of switching cost is seen within the learning curve. One way to offload some of these costs is to have someone else do the learning and then consolidate the information into an easy to understand and easy to digest, workflow and knowledge transfer system.

This is what I am doing with Clipchamp. I am evaluating and learning Clipchamp so if we do use it, I will be able to introduce it as a low effort solution for my client. Because effort always equals cost.

One of the first problems I found is that Clipchamp exports video in a webm file format. This is an unsupported file format for my current editing software. By exporting video in the webm format means I need to use another bit of software to convert that file into something I can use in my video editor. This is another step and requires not only extra effort but also extra time.

Often paying someone to make things easier, to reduce the needed effort is a good value proposition.

This is one of the services I offer.
I help guide individuals and businesses through the process of changing systems and behavior while reducing the effort to become more successful. Changing a business system often involves overcoming behavioral inertia, competing commitments, effort, scarce resources, and competitive forces.

Clipchamp image from video

Are you ready to change? Call me today and we can discuss how I can help guide you toward new horizons.

(562) 423-1691

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