
Customized Website Template

Websites things to consider.
What Kind Of Small Business website Do You Need? First and foremost websites are a form of communication and need to be easy to read and use. Research indicates that more noise and distractions equals less efficient communication. Websites should be hardy rather than decorative.

Andrew In Video Studio in front of camera

Tips For Video Streaming
Video broadcasting and live streaming for business and entertainment.
Online live streaming video and multicasting (simulcasting.)

Unboxing a Swiss Army Knife

Video and Marketing
Learn what video marketing format and style is right for your business? Do you have a strategy for how you will integrate video into your marketing? In this article you’ll also learn about the different forms or styles of video.

Andrew Interviewing Dog Owner For Television

Branded entertainment is a fairly new category of content.
However, its roots go way back to the days of the branded musical shows of patented medicine peddlers. You can get a little bit of an idea how this worked by watching the first part of the Elvis Presley 1957 movie “Loving You.”

Andrew Doing Experiential Marketing and Networking at Vidcon Party

Experiential Marketing and Community outreach can be a powerful part of a local marketing strategy. Community outreach is a form of engagement marketing also called experiential marketing. Engagement marketing means you are engaging with others in meaningful ways.

Organic Social Media graphic

Social Media Marketing.
We help local businesses incorporate Social Media into their Marketing. You could be a landscaper, takeout restaurant, home improvement contractor, pet rescue, groomer, or veterinarian, social media can help you reach your target audience.