Orange County Web Design Cities, California


Marketing and sales is one of the primary activities in Michael Porter’s value chain. Marketing is where customer behavior meets and interacts with business narrative. At its core, marketing involves the art and science of conveying value to customers.

Marketing starts with understanding desires and needs. Once we know our customers’ needs, marketing allows us to use channels of communication to connect what the business does with satisfying a target customer’s needs. Marketing is the bridge that connects businesses with their target audiences. That connection can be digital or analog, online or offline. As a primary value chain activity marketing shapes industries, influences behavior, and ultimately drives economic progress.

One of your most important digital marketing assets is your website. your website is the hub of your marketing activities.

Marketing Montage, Digital and Traditional Media.

Evolving Landscape of Marketing:

The reason why I decided to develop and offer a local marketing service is because the digital marketing platforms have become too unpredictable. They can change drastically and they change often. Change almost always creates stress. What I have seen over the years is that small business owner’s already have enough stress in their lives. One thing we can count on is there will always be change. But if we can reduce the amount of change and/or the impact it has, and the amount of stress it causes, there will be more mental and emotional resources for growth activities.

I have had various levels of success with online marketing. At one time I could get first page ranking on search engines for most keywords. That went away. Then there was MySpace, I had an active network there that I could rely on for bringing in new customers, that went away. I had over one million followers on Google Plus when it was active, that went away.

I think digital marketing will only get more difficult, more complex, and cost more as artificial Intelligence becomes pervasive. I saw that Zoom wants to own your voice print and likeness to use however they want. They did say they would not require it and that you would need to opt in. I wonder if that opp in is “to use our service you give us the right to do whatever we want.”

After these experiences of boom and bust I decided there must be a better way. I do think we need to use digital marketing platforms, but I don’t think we should rely on them. Digital marketing businesses don’t care about you, they don’t care about your family, and they don’t care about the community. After 20 years of experience promoting my own small business with digital media it is my firm belief that local businesses need to get back to more traditional marketing.

Online and Offline Integration.

From what I have seen, the way to create a stable marketing platform is to develop a committed local network to rely on, then integrating those resources into digital marketing initiatives. This can be very tricky, because most digital platform have rules to prevent this sort of thing. They need to keep people divided and competing against each other. In fact the auction format for selling ads is based not on cooperation but competition. Most platforms are afraid to have committed networks coordinate their efforts for group success.

However, coordinated promotions can be done offline. We can support each other offline. We can even promote others offline in a way that will help others online.

I can help you with website marketing, video, video podcasts, engagement marketing, and content creation.

Declare independence from the Metaverse. Call today to get started.

(562) 423-1691