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Business Strategy

The Business Strategy page will be undergoing changes over time. The child pages in this section will explore basic strategies for small business.

This page is for sharing information about business strategies that I think will be useful to small businesses.

Small business strategy

A strategy defines the long term aim or goals of a business. How you get to the goal is part of the strategy, what tools you use is tactical.

These are some components of a business strategy I’ve found useful in the last month.
Having a strategy will keep you on track when opportunities present themselves. Some opportunities align with the strategy and some will be more distraction than help.

One of the main values of a strategy is to clarify direction when encountering conflicting demands and limited resources.

Having consistency of purpose is the first point in Dr. Deming’s 14 Points for Management.

As we move into 2022 I’ve found myself beginning to write more about business strategy and needed an article section to house my longer strategy posts.

Over the next year I plan on exploring what, for many businesses, will seem to be a somewhat unorthodox business strategy. However, I also believe it will provide a competitive advantage to a subgroup of businesses that follow it.

While I like the company of my Boomer friends and clients, I think it may be younger business owner’s that embrace many of these concepts.

I also think it can be molded in a way that is acceptable for many American small businesses.

Some of you who know me realize I have been influenced by the work of W. Edwards Deming. I am reading some of his books I’ve never looked at before and rereading others.

I imagine that offering services derived from Deming’s work will make them more tactic than strategy. Nevertheless, it will be helpful to know about the strategy behind them.

A strategy helps us develop a theory of prediction and managing a successful business is often dependent on prediction. We need to predict what services and product will continue to generate revenue.

It may be helpful to think of strategy as systematic social innovation.

For startups using the lean methodology the main strategy is to figure out what questions to ask.