Coffee Time Using OBS For Video Capture.

OBS Open Broadcasting Software Experiment.

Using OBS for this episode of It’s Coffee Time With Andrew. In the video I am talking about Websites, Videos, Community Networking, and Book Writing.

In this video I am pushing hotkeys for OBS without using a switcher. Yes I wanted to see what can be done with Open Broadcasting Software on its own without an external or software switcher. This video is a little rough but it is a good proof of concept of what can be done. I did end up doing an edit. But, I was able to use hotkeys for doing most of the switching. I’ve read on some forums there are some problems with some of the plugins. However, I think they can be mitigated with a more creative workflow.

I spent quite a few hours on this project trying to get certain OBS plugins and the core to work the way I wanted. Eventually I adapted my workflow to merge with the capabilities of the current plugins and software.

This was a great opportunity to observe how I run through decision cycles. How quickly I run through them, what I learn, and how they change my orientation. I tend not to give up easily. There is a line of thought that says the experience of running through a lot of alternatives will give an individual a better feel for new situations in the future.

Until next time,
I am wishing you the best
In Web design,
In Video production,
And in Life.

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