Orange County Dog Walker Website.
Orange County Dog Walker Website Build.
An abridged version of the Orange County Dog Walker website is now live. I originally got this URL with the plans of developing a dog walking business with a friend. That never panned out, so it has been sitting unused for years. I finally decided to put up a small site and see if I can get any kind of search engine ranking with a micro site. Until I find a permanent use for the site or sell it, the site will be used for experimentation.
For additional URLs for sale to to the Orange County Websites page
Orange County Dog Walker Listings Are Now Available.
While I am running different tests on the site I’m also offering local dog walkers the chance to have a listing on the Orange County Dog Walker site. Since it is brand spanking new it’s not going to get much traffic. However, I will occasionally promote it on social media, so if you have a listing on the website, you may get a little traffic.

When publishing this blog post there were only three pages on the site. I plan on increasing the number of pages as dog walkers come onboard with listings.
This is a template site that I modified into a dog walking themed site. I am using a different SEO plugin on this website compared to what I usually use. But basically the use of plugins is pretty sparse. I did add some software to make working with different templates a bit easier. These will be removed as I settle on a final template.
I was attempting to do a little research while building out the homepage on the Orange County Dog Walker website.
As I was writing several pages about web design, I got to thinking, how many times do I click to build a page. I decided I would count the clicks. I’ve used a tally counter quite effectively when doing engagement marketing. I thought, engagement marketing often places a rather large cognitive load on one’s mental processes. If I can count effectively under the pressure of face to face marketing, surely I can count each time I click while building a website. I found out it’s not that easy. As you get wrapped up in the build process it’s quite easy to forget to click.
Another aspect of website building that makes clicking harder is that using both hands reduces one’s ability to click. It takes more effort to take a hand off the keyboard and click. So the act of building a website increases the effort needed to keep track of the clicks while decreasing one’s ability to do it.
This click to count exercise ended up being more a humans behavioral design project than a web design project,
Forgetting to click means my count is in all probably on the low side. I would try to go back and reconstruct how many clicks I thought I did, but it is most likely off. Next time I need to do this with a more automated system.
The number of clicks I counted doing the Orange County dog Walker homepage build is 886.
If you would like to buy Orange County Dog Walker get in touch with me.
Same thing if you would like a dog walker listing on the website, just reach out and let’s see what we can do.
I have several Orange County website URLs for sale and even more dog site URLs. If you are interested in buying one of my websites, just the website name/URL, or would like to work with me as your web designer get in touch, let’s work together.
Orange County Dog Walker Website Build Video 1
Orange County Dog Walker Website Build Video 1, taken from the transcripts and put into paragraph format.
Hi, I’m Andrew Ledford and I am back with another little video here about WordPress. I have a website I’m working on. It’s Orange County Dog Walker. I put this up on a theme builder first, and then we’re going to test it, do a Google Lighthouse test, run that report, and then I’m going to go back in and rebuild it. But I wanted to do this first, just to check it out.
So let’s go on over there. There we are. And you can see here I have several pages. This is not what the naming convention is going to end up being, but that’s how I’m doing it right now. It’s a raw theme, template site. I haven’t changed anything on the site. There we are, let’s see what we have. Yeah, there’ll be several things in here that probably need to be changed. So let’s go in here and run the lighthouse test, the report. It’ll take a little while to churn through. So while we’re waiting, I will go over a little bit about this website and others I have.
I have three Orange County websites that will be for sale. Some may be a little bit more than others. If you are interested in an Orange County site, get in touch with me.
Here we go.
You can see this. 73 for the speed. That’s pretty good, especially for this, theme and web webpage builder. 81 for accessibility. That is not good. 92 best practices. That’s okay. I accept that. The SEO 79, when I get this on a live site where I’m actually building it out, that would go way up. I don’t think it would be a hundred though. Not from what I see here. So let’s just go in here, take a quick look. So there we have performance 73. There’s some things we can do to help with that. Yeah, right in here. But that’s good. I am totally not worried about that. That’s very good.
This accessibility is not good. Yeah, that’s not good. That’s not good.
That is probably not good. This is not good.
That we will change when I’m building it out. So that is not a problem. This is kind of interesting. One of the main problems these template sites usually have, this one doesn’t seem to have, at least not showing up right now, so that is good. Some other issues though that I’m not concerned with, this is interesting. Okay. So that’s easy to fix. That’ll actually, that’ll really boost it up. Maybe it would get a hundred that will go right up. Okay. Actually I might be able to just by developing this and you know, putting real content on there. Maybe I could get a hundred on SEO on this site. So that is that page. Let me go to another page.
I think we’re going to go to this one. You can see this. I did want to do another quick test here. Okay, there we go again. 73 Good. Accessibility bad, best practices Okay. Everything’s the same. So pretty much the same. I think on accessibility we’re going to have some different problems. No, it kinda looks the same. Let’s see what they have here. Oh, that’s good. That is good. Actually a lot of these are pretty good. Uh, that’s good too. Yeah, a lot of this is good. Much better than it used to be with this theme builder.
You know, I could probably use this theme and page builder and just come in here and fix a few things and it would be okay, but I am going to rebuild it with a different template or different theme and different plugins.
Yeah, just the same old stuff. It would go up to close to a hundred if not 100 on the score here. Okay. So that’s going to do it for this really short little introduction to the ranking with this page builder. We will be building this out and doing another experiment. I really have something interesting to experiment with on this website and that we will be doing next. Have a wonderful day.
I am wishing you the very best in life. Bye-bye.
Orange County Dog Walker Website Build Video 2
Orange County Dog Walker Website Build Video 2, taken and modified slightly from the transcripts, then put into a paragraph format.
Yes, I’m Andrew Ledford, and this is My On The Road.Net. We are working on a new website. Today I am installing a template onto a cadence theme. I did do a Divi theme and template on this site a little earlier, and I have some of the site metrics I will probably be posting with this video in the future.
This is a new experiment I’m doing, not really an experiment, more like a research project, but the website itself is kind of an experiment. I am using an old fashioned tally counter. I’m going to work at counting the clicks that I do on this website to get it up to where’s semi unacceptable? And I’ve already worked on it a little bit. I installed some software and some pro themes in here before I started.
But let’s get on over there and start working on this.So again, this is a pro template I want, while this is a dog walking site, I think we’re going to use this mobile grooming template here and I’m going to import the full site and see how that works. So what, there was a click and a click. It’s gonna take a bit of getting used to, to click the tally counter with the website.
Some of these templates take a really long time, depends on how complicated they are. How complex. I think I’m gonna shut down the recording until this is over.
So here we go. Here we are going to finish this. We can see what it looks like here on the front end. So, we’re going to come in here to edit page.
That’s not a bad font. I’m wondering what it is. This is an H six, which I do not want. I move into a paragraph and we can do bold and we’ll do OC dog. Oh, dog walker. OC dog, OC dog walker. I think we’ll do, I’ll think w’\ll do OC dog walking here. Here we go. Think that will do this. That’s good. This will come out right there.
Forgetting to do this. Very hard to remember (referring to clicking the tally counter).
That is not going to work. No. Uh oh.
If I was doing this for a client, I would have both of these photos here reversed.
Oh, this is almost impossible to remember. (referring to clicking the tally counter.)
Let’s just replace this. I don’t want that. Let’s Try this. Yes, I think we’ll use this.
We are going to, starting to come along. Starting to come along. Actually. That’s a lot better. That’s a lot better.
Very good. Very good. Starting to look like a website. Okay.
So I think that’s going to do it for right now. I’m gonna come back and work on this. This is an ongoing experiment. So, you know, I’m not talking a lot about what I’m doing. This actually is quite the cognitive load to deal with everything all at once. (Referring to clicking the tally counter.) I’ve never done this before, so it’s going to require a little bit of training on my part. This’ll be a good experiment for developing a new habit in my own behavior, you know, modifying my own behavior.
So that’s it for today. Talk to you soon. Bye-Bye. Bye.
Good morning. It’s another morning here at the studio, my little office studio. And we’re working on a new website. Well, the website we were working on, Orange County Dog Walker. I have the, I have the, basically the first part of it done. There’s a lot more pages to add, but I have three pages on there right now and we will be doing a blog post on this. And let me go over there. I still have a coming soon page. So let me go in and see about, disabling it and getting the live site up and running. Let me just come in, do a click here. I think that should do it. Now we just need to come in and refresh this page here. And I think, voila. There it is. Orange County Dog Walker. I worked on getting this homepage done and we’ll, we’ll go through some of the pages. Very simple, but I wanted to do a report here, a Google Lighthouse report. You know, I tend to do these, I like to do them periodically throughout the build just to kind of see where we’re at, especially if I’m switching themes.
So here we go. Let’s get back in There. You? Yeah, not bad. Not bad. This is a template site, so I need to work on the SEO. That’s pretty typical, because I’m blocking search engines. Once I, you know, take the search engines, open it up to search engines that should shoot way up. We may do it again with that in the future, but 83, that’s good for speed. 96. I might need to work a little bit on that. Best practices, that’s to be expected. So there you go. That’s pretty good.
Oh yeah. I’m pretty sure that I do have sufficient contrast. It says I do not, but I’m quite sure I do. I think that that’s a false negative. And there’s a couple heading tags I need to work on too. So we’ll go back in and do that. And I’m sure that we’re gonna get this up to around 99.
Okay, I am back. I fixed those couple little issues and let’s go back over there and see what we Have. So one of the things I had to do was to, change this color up here. So sometimes design, you know, suffers because of accessibility. Actually a lot of times it suffers because of accessibility. So here I did get this, I changed this, I changed all the other issues in here as well. I had to just run through. But that, report really helps you find some of the problems. Here, we’re going to do it again. So, we are going to run that report again and let’s see what it comes up with. We’re going to go over there. There we go. So you can see, we now do have the hundred percent on accessibility. Like I say, the SEO is gonna go up as soon as I open it up to search engines. Right now it’s pretty good at 77, since search engines can’t even get in there. And for speed, 84 is more than quick enough.
You know how it’s built. This, this is good. If I was on a faster server or even if I used a catching plugin, this would probably go up into the nineties, maybe a hundred.
So that is very good for today.
I am looking forward to chatting with you on the next website build.
Until then, I am wishing you the very best in life.
Have a wonderful day. Bye-bye.