Dogs OC Homepage build with ChatGTP transcript
Dogs OC Homepage build with transcript ChatGTP generated blog post
Rebuilding my old Orange County Dog website
I have put up a new homepage for the old Orange County Dog website. I am not sure what the site will be used for. One idea is for researching new social media tactics. I will probably at least post dog photos and short dog videos on the site. I could decide to have it for sale
Are you interested in buying
This post is in the spirit of the experimentation I think I will use the Dogs OC site for. The dog website rebuild post is not only about the website but also about the use of Artificial Intelligence. That’s right I’m writing about building the dog website and also writing about ChatGTP.
Orange County Websites For Sale

This is two blog posts in one.
First, I originally intended to write it as a post about building the homepage of my long inactive site. At one time this was a very popular Orange County website. I think it used to be one of the most popular pet websites in Orange County, California.
I want to remind you, if you are getting a new website and have a business in North Orange County give me a call, let’s see if I would be the right one to help out with your new website build and your online presence.
Part two is the bonus.
The bonus is looking at how ChatGTP would write the post using the transcript from the video. It took about six prompts to get ChatGTP to respond at this level. I am using the free version. I’ve had people tell me the paid version works better for this sort of thing.
Signup for the newsletter and follow along as I rebuild the Dogs OC website. In the future this site may be used as an experimental website to test different social media strategies and tactics. I am not totally sure how I will use it, but I did want to get it ready to use as new opportunities present themselves. As the name implies, I am thinking of using it to feature dogs in Orange County, California. homepage build video 1 (Video 2 is at the bottom of the post.)
Title half generated by ChatGTP
Building Dogs OC com Homepage, A Walkthrough with Andrew Ledford
The following is a slightly edited version of a ChatGTP generated blog post from the video transcript. I have made the edits BOLD so they are easier to notice. I did find some of the AI generated content somewhat amusing, so I didn’t do a heavy edit on its composition.
Third person into
In this video, Andrew Ledford, yep, that’s me, a web designer and marketer, takes us through his process of updating a website that he has neglected for some time.
The video begins with Andrew introducing himself and his website, My on the Road Net. He notes that he had put up the website, Dogs OC, some time ago and had done nothing to it since then. He expresses surprise at this, as he usually puts up a coming soon page and the necessary plugins and themes.
I think this sums up that part of the video. Although it is in the third person.
Here is the same information after I ask ChatGTP to generate a post in the first person.
As a web designer and marketer, I am always looking for ways to improve my clients’ websites. So, today I decided to take a look at one of the sites I built a while back, Dogs OC, and I was surprised to see that I had done absolutely nothing to it. This was strange because I usually put up a “coming soon” page and add the necessary plugins and themes to the site before going live. However, on this particular site, all I had was a security plugin. So, I decided to work on it.
That is okay said in a much different voice than what I use, but okay.
Next part in the third person
To rectify the situation, Andrew takes us through his process of updating the website. He starts by going to the plugin section and installing the Kadence theme, which he notes is his favorite. He then activates the theme, and we can immediately see the difference in the appearance of the website.
I thought this was a strange interpretation, but yes I guess so.
I need to clarify that you install themes in the theme section, not the plugin section.
Next is the same information in the first person.
I started by going to the plugin section of the site, but I knew I needed to add a theme to make it look nicer. I went ahead and added my favorite theme, Kadence, and activated it. Immediately, the front end looked much better, but I knew I needed to configure everything to make it perfect.
I find this one a little amusing and exaggerated.
It only looked better because it was Kadence, which meant I could start working on the site. Not that it looked good.
Third person
Next, Andrew goes into the customization section and starts working on the colors and fonts. He chooses the second palette, and then goes into typography. He notes that some people recommend having different colors for different titles and tags, but he prefers to have them all plain black. He copies and pastes the black color for all the titles.
That is not bad, a little dry, but again, okay.
First person
Next, I went to the customization section to start making the necessary changes. I started by selecting the second color palette and tweaking the fonts. I also decided to make all of the text black for a more streamlined look.
I know that many people recommend using different colors for titles and headings, but I prefer to keep things simple. Plus, black is a classic and timeless color that looks good on almost any website.
This is a bit presumptuous.
The first person seems to take a lot of liberties while stretching the meaning in what B.F. Skinner may call metaphor. Wait a minute, maybe it is the opposite perhaps it is interpreting what has been said as metaphor and makes it more literal. That is interesting.
Third person
Throughout the video, Andrew provides commentary on his choices and explains his reasoning behind them. He notes that it is important to have a website that looks modern and professional, as this can help build trust with visitors. He also notes that having the right plugins and themes is crucial to the website’s functionality and security.
The first part is about right. Then it starts adding what would be logical to also have as content. Even if that is not in the video.
First person.
As I continued to work on the site, I thought about how important it is to pay attention to the small details when designing a website. Even something as seemingly insignificant as the font color can make a big difference in how the site is perceived.
This does convey some of the intention, but not quite how I would say it.
First person
While the video is only a few minutes long, it provides a valuable insight into the process of updating a website. It shows how important it is to keep your website up-to-date and modern-looking, and how a few simple changes can make a big difference. It also emphasizes the importance of choosing the right plugins and themes, and the need to be mindful of the website’s functionality and security.
Overall, Andrew’s walkthrough is a great resource for anyone looking to update their website. It shows how easy it can be to make small changes that can have a big impact on the website’s appearance and functionality. Whether you are a web designer or a website owner, this video provides valuable tips and insights that can help you improve your website and attract more visitors.
I think the endings are misleading and read into the messaging a lot that isn’t there.
Third person
In the end, I was happy with the changes I made to the site. It looked much better than before, and I knew that it would be more appealing to visitors. This experience taught me that it’s important to revisit old projects and make improvements whenever possible.
As a web designer and marketer, my goal is always to create sites that are aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and effective in achieving the client’s goals. By taking the time to make small changes like adjusting the font color, I can help my clients achieve these goals and create sites that they can be proud of.
This ending seems like empty fluff.
The end of ChatGTP content.
Okay we are returning control back to your regular programing and Andrew Ledord.
I did try to continue the post, but then ChatGTP started to hallucinate. It just started making things up that sounded plausible, they kind of made sense, but had nothing to do with the content in the video transcript.
Well that was an interesting use for new software combined with what in days gone by was a very popular Orange County website.
I think if you are going to use ChatGTP you need the paid version.
Dogs OC homepage build video 2
But, if you are looking for a new website
I do web design in North Orange County. While it may be fun to experiment with software built on large language models for a functional website you need to use me, Andrew Ledford from My On The Road . Net.