La Habra Chamber of Commerce Video 8-23

La Habra Chamber Of Commerce Connect up on the Move

Visiting the La Habra Chamber Of Commerce Connect up on the Move.

I have a chance to visit with the La Habra Chamber of Commerce at one of their Connect Up on the Move meetings. I always like hanging out with the chamber of commerce folks. These are the folks who are shaping the character of the city.

I always find people in the chamber of Commerce are the ones making a difference in the city. Not to mention many of them are interesting and have interesting stories. How people get into business is always interesting. Especially since there are so many roadblocks to straightening and running a business. And it’s not getting any easier. Once someone starts a business then getting customers and running it can be an even more challenging endeavor. If you are a new La Habra business and need a website, get in touch with me. I can help. Or perhaps you are looking to do a video or a podcast, let’s talk.

La Habra Chamber Of Commerce Connect up on the Move.

I do look forward to visiting many of these businesses over the next few months.

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