Talking With Small businesses in Downtown Fullerton
Scouting Small businesses in Downtown Fullerton and Exploring Downtown Fullerton Shops.

I periodically go out and talk with small businesses, and quite often that is done in Fullerton, California. On this day I was out talking to local small businesses in Downtown Fullerton and I was on something of a mission. I was scouting for a new location to have New Media Mingle meetups. I am looking for an outdoor location with enough room for maybe 60 people or so. I have not had a meetup since the Covid lockdown. However, people are starting to visit that part of my website again, so I am guessing there is interest in getting together.
I started canvasing small businesses right after the covid lockdown to take the pulse of the business community and see if they were changing their marketing, which I thought may include Fullerton web design.
The Talking With Small businesses in Downtown Fullerton and Scouting Downtown Fullerton Restaurants Video is a bit further down the page.
Scouting Downtown Fullerton Restaurants.
I was visiting this part of Fullerton specifically because I wanted to scout Downtown Fullerton restaurants. And one in particular. I am looking for a new location for the New Media Mingle meetups. In the past we have met in Bellflower, but I am looking to move everything to North Orange County. There are quite a few locations in this part of Fullerton that would do. Especially as we get started. I don’t expect a lot of people showing up, or at least not as many as were interested when we shut down the meetups due to Covid.

The Local Fullerton Business Survey
I really need to get by some of the Small businesses in Downtown Fullerton that I talked with the last time I did my local business survey. Unfortunately several of the Fullerton small businesses I talked with right after the Covid lockdown went out of business.
I write about what I observed about small business sentiments right after the Covid lockdown on the Fullerton Web Design page. That is where I tell a little about what my informal survey revealed about how small business owners feel about change, and how many of them dealt with the Covid crisis.

Downtown Fullerton Shops.
While on this little outing I had a chance to stop at the Bookstore. I have always liked going into bookstores. Even as a child I spent a large part of what I earned collecting soda bottles on books. There are other great little shops in downtown Fullerton and I do like going in and chatting with the folks who run them.
Are you ready to talk to your Fullerton Web design and local marketing guy, that’s me, Andrew Ledford.
Here is a transcript from the video
Okay. I’m Andrew Ledford, and I am from My On the Road.
Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve been here in downtown Fullerton, looking at what businesses are still around. Last time I was here, several of the businesses I checked out that were here before Covid or right after Covid were closed. So let’s see who’s still around.
We’re gonna go down this little walkway here, mainly because I’m kind of looking at it as a possible meetup spot, you know, if these restaurants would be open to that, especially right in here.
This I always thought would make a great little party place.
Actually, let’s go down this way. Uh, I’m just checking out the area.
I think last time we went down the little alley up here, it looks like all of these businesses are, they’re still businesses in these buildings, so that’s a good thing.
We have an escape room here, Some Stairs. Are you ready for an adventure?
All These places have outdoor dining. You know, this looks like it’d be a really good spot, really good spot for a large group of people to be. The only problem is a lot of the people that come out to my events are starving artists and they actually don’t spend any money at any of the events, not all of them, but a large percentage of them don’t spend any money at the venues we meet at. So then I end up needing to buy everything. So I need to watch that in the future. Okay, we’re gonna head up, up here a bit. Okay, so this is the spot I wanted to check out. I thought this would be great for a New Media Mingle meetup.
I’m starting to get people, visiting that link, that website again. So I’m thinking maybe I should get it up and running, Once again. Here’s the main entrance to this place.
I might go in there and chat with them, see if they’d be open to doing something. I think it’s all the same restaurant. Maybe. Maybe it’s two different ones. Then up here they have the street closed off for outdoor dining. Let’s go up there and see, see what they have. Try to pass by these people without getting,
Oh, and a used bookstore.
Look over here. Think it is. Need to get in over there and check them out.
But here we go. Going up to the outdoor dining in Fullerton. Well, it used to be, it looks like there’s nobody out there now. Looks like maybe the outdoor dining is not too active now. Well, here it is. Here’s where they have the outdoor dining.
There aren’t any people, those people in the little patios though, so, but they still have it closed off. I think we’re gonna go up, check out the bookstore and then maybe go in and talk to that one restaurant.
Okay, come on, let’s go.
I’m you guy for Fullerton Web design and local marketing, Yep, that’s me, Andrew Ledford.