Fullerton Web Design
Are you looking for a website designer in Fullerton, California?
Fullerton web design, yep, that’s me. Fullerton website design at MyOnTheRoad.Net. I actually am not in Fullerton proper, I am in the Fullerton area, and have worked in Fullerton for many years. Many business people in Fullerton have seen me as an in-person marketing character doing engagement marketing. I am close enough that when doing marketing, consulting, or website design work in Fullerton, I can actually stop by your location.

Fullerton web design is where we help you get what you already want, a new website design that’s made to accomplish business goals. When you’re ready, get in touch or give me a call.
I do Fullerton Web Design In Orange County California.
I will help you do what you already want to do, get a website that can be effectively used for marketing and business. I can help your business with a local presence and additional services that will enhance my main service which is Fullerton web design.
What can we learn about businesses in Fullerton, about web design, and about change by looking at how businesses responded to events just after the Covid lockdown.
How do you confront change?
I have done quite a bit of business to business canvassing in Fullerton to get a sense of business sentiment right after the Covid lockdown. Some of the insight I gained is documented towards the bottom of this post.
The three classifications of how businesses respond to change are:
- Depressed
- “Set in my way”
- “Change with the times”
One thing I noticed is that most small businesses have well entrenched behaviors they have no desire to change. At least the Fullerton businesses I talked with. Restaurants changed to outdoor dining, home delivery, and curbside pickup quickly. But without being forced to change, most businesses don’t. At least they don’t want to. So what can motivate a business to have a mindset for change? What motivates a business to change?
There needs to be motivation to implement change.
There needs to be motivation for you to want a new website.
What’s your motivation? What’s your motivation for a New Fullerton Web design Project?
The motivation for a new website may be for prestige, such as I want to have one of the most popular websites in Fullerton. Some people want a new website to elevate their image in the community, they want to look good to customers. Or it could be to start a more modern marketing program, for prospecting and to get new customers.
Maybe you get too many looky-loo phone calls and you want to cut the calls to serious prospects. If you primarily serve a customer base in Fullerton, but get a lot of calls from people you don’t or can’t serve, it takes time away from and distracts you from more important business goals.
Let’s take Fullerton web design as an example. I do Fullerton web design in California, but there are cities named Fullerton in other states. In Fact there are ten other states with a city of the same name. However, I only want to spend time talking with people in California who are interested in Fullerton web design. So I will try to differentiate the location in this article. While it is an on page prompt, it can also be part of web design.
Websites can also help with customer service by providing easy answers to often ask questions. This can cut phone time, thus freeing up staff to work on other matters.

I do Strategic Fullerton Web Design for small businesses and professionals.
A Business Strategy Can Include:
- Strategic Design
- Behavioral Design
- Narrative Design
Falling within these elements of strategic design is website design.
Change, time management, and web design.
Most small business owners feel pressed for time. There always seems to be more to do than there are hours in the day. Many people reject changing because they believe they don’t have time for change or for new business processes.
My Fullerton Website Design package combined with the support and growth package has been developed to reduce the effort needed and the time it takes to get, have, and grow a website. Get started today by calling

I talk a lot more about motivation and change in my very short book “To Website, Or Not To Website.” The book is small by design, because it takes less effort to read. Effort always equals cost. 5 out of 14 chapters of the book are about change, transition, and motivation for businesses. The rest of the book is about websites and marketing.
In reality the only thing we know for sure, the only constant is, there will be change.
How do you feel about the changes website marketing will bring to your marketing and media mix?
To get an idea of how open local business owners are to change in their marketing, which also includes Fullerton website design, I did a little informal survey after the Covid-19 lockdown. While it is anecdotal, it’s of some interest. The results are that most people don’t want to change and/or don’t want to spend the effort needed to change.
In your mind, do you think of Fullerton web design as an abstract idea or is it something you feel is a real thing, a real benefit?
While there can be a lot of impactful benefits a website provides to a business, they often seem abstract. They’re like an idea in the clouds. Even how we talk about websites sounds cloudlike. We think of websites living in the cloud or on the cloud. Websites are considered cloud based marketing systems. What good are clouds? Well, they bring the rain, the rain makes the crops grow, when the crops ripen we sell them and make money.
The trick is to get that cloud based website to do the same thing.
The first thing is to get our website into the internet atmosphere. We need to gather all the text, graphics, photos, and video together and send it through packets to the cloud. Those little packets evaporate from a desktop computer through the internet atmosphere to a cloud computer. The next step is we need to make it rain and grow prospects. Our marketing effort needs to push the cloud content over a big enough landmass to generate rain. The rain nourished the seeds of desire and aspiration in our prospects. Then we need to nurture and grow those desires and aspirations until they ripened into paying customers. A simple metaphor to a complex process.

The informal Fullerton change survey.
As mentioned earlier, to get a feel for marketing in Fullerton, I did some boots on the ground research after the Covid lockdown. (A little reminder please, remember me when you or your friends are looking for a new website, I’m your WordPress website guy for Fullerton web design. You can reach me at )
I talked to a lot of Fullerton small business owners right after the Covid lockdown was lifted and again a bit later. From these conversations I developed three classifications of business owners.
There were those resigned to let things take their course, they were not interested in doing anything. Their behavior was depressed.
“Set in my way”
Then there were those who were going to get back on track and do things the way they always did them. They were not going to change or let anything change how they do things. They may have lost inertia during lockdown, but they got right back to the old way of business as soon as possible. These are the “set in my way” businesses.
“Change with the times”
Then there were those who needed to change and were open to trying new ways of marketing and doing business. These are the “change with the times” businesses. I am sorry to say one of these business owners lost his son to Covid.
Most people I talked with were in the first two categories. The people in the depressed category were not interested in putting out any extra effort (depressed behavior,) and definitely were not going to do anything new. If they got enough business to keep going that was great, if not, well that’s fate.
The other group is the, I’m set in my way businesses, they are the, put your head down and start swinging, very determined and they were not going to try anything new. But they did get back to business with all the energy of a startup. They do not like new, many thought Covid wasn’t real and that it was all made up. There was no need to change because of an imaginary disease. Most of the people I talked with were in this group.

I remember back in 1999 through about 2004 people had the same Covid isn’t real the internet isn’t real mindset. They thought the internet was just a toy and maybe good for email. They felt, “that internet thing,” isn’t worth bothering about. Move forward 20 years and now the argument is, it costs too much and it’s too competitive. How do we build traffic when everybody is on the internet? We don’t have time for that. Basically back in the early days it was the “I’m set in my ways” philosophy. This is part of human nature
This was interesting research into the mindset of a fairly well represented subset of Fullerton small businesses, managers, and business owners who were open for business during a very stressful worldwide event.
Have attitudes changed since we’ve moved to a more normal state of affairs?
Now that the world has adapted and moved back to a more normal, I imagine sentiments may have changed a bit. But I think most people have a default way of doing business. It’s also reasonable to believe that the default business style is also hard to change. This is what we can call behavioral inertia.

The Fullerton Web Design processes plus behavioral design, helps get projects in on time and within budget.
My Fullerton Web Design services do incorporate some behavioral design elements to help business owner’s change as we go through the website design process. While most people don’t want to change, my process should make the transition into a new website take less effort and reduce the stress associated with change.
Yes, that means getting the project in on time and within budget. I do my best to make change easy. In fact helping people make changes to their behavior to change their environments is what I have done all my adult life. When you’re ready to change onto a new website give me a call.