Brea Web Design
Are you looking for web designer in Brea, California?
Brea web design, yep, that’s me. I don’t live in Brea, but have worked in Brea over the years. I don’t mean remote work either. I mean face to face, on location. So yes, I am close enough that I can come by your location if needed. That means if there’s a marketing project or website design work that requires actually being in Brea, I can do that.

Brea web design and how it works.
Just like all businesses, when doing a Brea web design project there is a process that’s followed. It starts with a discovery call. Next is the website project planning stage, where we clarify who the website is for, what your goals for the site are, and learn how it fits your business strategy. Next is the project development stage where we start laying out and developing how the website will work. Next is the website build and then we launch the website. This is a very quick and brief overview of the process.
Are you finding that web design is more difficult than you thought it would?
I do web design for local businesses. When doing Brea web design I primarily use WordPress as my Content Management System (CMS.) There are a lot of small business owners who aren’t the most technically savvy, those are the ones I help. Of course I also work with those who know their way around a website, but just don’t have the time to manage one. A high percentage of people I work with find working in the WordPress dashboard no fun at all. Many small business owners find working with the backend dashboard of WordPress takes more effort than they want to put out. So something you don’t like, is something I find enjoyable.
There are a lot of people who find the WordPress dashboard confusing enough on its own, even without needed add-on software. Not only do you need to learn WordPress but you also have the task of adding the right add-on software called plugins. The question is which plugin to use. On the official WordPress repository there are over 60,000 to choose from. There are also additional premium paid plugins to consider. After picking one, then you need to learn how to configure it. The same thing with themes, after installing one you need to configure it?

Themes don’t all work the same way. Just because you or your web designer knows how to use one, two, or three themes doesn’t mean everyone knows them all.
Are you finding that web design is taking more time than you thought it would?
People with a small business to run have a lot to do and not enough time to do it. Web design does take time, but it goes a lot quicker when you know the right buttons to push. Also having a process can make the project more efficient. Being more efficient means you don’t need to go back in to redo site structure and/or as many design elements.
I can help you out of the quagmire of no time and confusing tech with Brea web design. To enhance and develop the site over time I combine web design with a support and growth package. I do the web work so you don’t have to.
Think about seeing your new website, nice design, efficient functioning under the hood, it’s a pleasurable experience. While none of your customers may be aware of the technical functionality, you will know it’s there, and so will search engines and other technology. When you see your new website it is pleasing and elicits a good emotional response, that’s the aspiration. It’s a goal made up of 100s maybe 1000s of micro goals, it’s the results of a lot of little steps. Little steps that take time and effort.
Now try thinking about how to figure out your challenging web authoring software. Yes, when you think about the tough and confusing tasks of website building, it may elicit a negative emotional response. Negative emotional reactions usually make us avoid behavior that causes them. This is one reason people avoid getting a new website. Yes, building a website can often seem a bit overwhelming.
So how do you get the positive feeling of a new efficient website without the negative feelings and overwhelm of trying to build one or maintain it? You hire a website service provider, like me.
Web design in Brea is fine, but your business needs more to be divine, don’t forget marketing and your business sign.
Okay, your business in Brea needs more than web design. Marketing is still needed in combination with your website. For a small local business it can sometimes be best to combine traditional marketing with online digital marketing. That often means a good business sign that’s visible from the street.

You gotta pay big brother – Brea City Hall
One of the things you will need for your Brea business is a license. If you are putting up signs or doing other building improvements, you’ll also need a building permit. For a bricks and mortar location a traditional business sign is an important part of your marketing mix. Along with your website, traditional media is still important. When starting a business there is a fee for just about everything, you don’t think the city wants you to help your customers without charging you, right?
The Brea City Hall is within the Civic Center. The Brea Civic Center building complex houses the library, the theater, an art gallery/museum, the police department, and most importantly for businesses, City Hall. The official address is1 Civic Center Cir, Brea, CA 92821. The more practical and informal way of locating it is, it’s on the corner of E Birch St. and Randolph Ave. Right next to the Brea Mall.
When you’re ready to talk with a North Orange County city of Brea web design specialist, give me a call. I can hook you up with a sweet website and a support / growth package to grow your web footprint and your business.