New book about web design and online promotions Coffee Time With Andrew.
New Book, New SEO, New Websites, New Social, It’s Coffee Time With Andrew
Here is a little video I did about a new book I’m working on. It’s a new book about web design and online promotions. Actually I am involved in several marketing experiments at the moment. Some of you know I used to do a lot with SEO, well I am running a new experiment to find the SEO Mogo for 2023. I am also planning out a new social media experiment on a site I no longer use.
Here is a post from the New Book, New Websites, and new SEO video transcript.
Why good morning? This is coffee time with Andrew. I believe this is episode 92. Haven’t done any of these for a while, you know I have a little spurts and then I get involved in some project and this is no exception. I’ve been writing books, you know.
So I’m still working on my main book, but I get sidetracked with little projects here and there so I just finished a very short book on website development that I hope to have published soon. It needs to be edited. I’m going to let it sit for three four five days and then go back. I’ll do an edit and then I’ll probably try to find somebody who’s oh that I think is fairly good at using the English language and have them look at it as well.
And speaking of language. I finally finished BF Skinner’s book, Verbal Behavior. This is not an easy book to read. Let me just get over here, and yeah Verbal Behavior, very interesting. I’ve read this several times in the past over the years. And this time I think I got a lot more out of it while I get a lot out of it each time. I read it. But this time I read it more slowly, more carefully, and put more thought into it. And I can see where my own behavior, especially writing Behavior, follows a lot in his line of thought and I also write a lot of different things. I’m writing quite a few blog posts at the moment.

And that’s really where I see a lot of this Theory come into play. Because I’m starting to use chat GTP and It writes in a way that is extremely difficult for me to edit. It writes in a totally different format. Totally different style. The way it writes does not prompt my own behavior. And I realized how much what I write in a sentence prompts the next sentence. It just has a continuous flow of thought. Well, chat. GTP doesn’t have that. It has stops that just make it so that my thoughts don’t flow. And I found that quite an interesting observation. It could be that I’m not training it well enough. Or it could be a combination of both. I’m not training it well enough and I have a hard time following its word structure. But I have found that recently. It’s getting easier. So either I’m becoming trained to work with that style of word structure or I’m training it and becoming more trained as well. I know I give it several prompts to not do certain things that make it really difficult for me to follow up on it. So interesting, very interesting software.
I will continue working with that. I’m doing a lot of experiments now. That’s actually I’m in this big experimental period. So the book is an experiment. I plan on or at least I hope to document publishing the book. aAnd how to get it actually in a paperback form.
And then the blog posts. I’m actually doing this really big SEO experiment because I’ve just been down on SEO. This has been for a while. Because it just, you know, you don’t get the return on investment. You used to, now your reach continues to shrink and shrink and shrink and Shrink. Until there’s not much left.
So I know SEO works. It’s just that it’s become such a black box, such a problem that seems to be Beyond insurmountable as far as figuring it out. But I think I may have a solution. I just have to test it. So I’m running an experiment. it’ll take quite some time to follow through and to actually get it going and then to monitor it over the next, what one to six months. I need to set up a monitoring system for that. a little bit, it needs to be more intentional than my Google analytics now. I can use Google analytics, but not what I’m doing now with Google Analytics
So that’s it. That’s the really cool thing I’m working on and I’m thinking about doing social media experiments as well. You know, I used to have over 1 million followers on social media. And that was a while back. So it was much easier to do.
You know if you get on the new platform, it’s easier as well. But I plan on experimenting with a site that used to be one of the most popular sites in Orange County. until Google Maps and then it just quit getting traffic. So I’m going to resurrect that website as a social media experiment and see what we can do with it. Actually, it’s part of several experiments. The social media experiment is just for that website, but it also plays into my on the road dot net, The Business website. And we’ll probably be used to drive traffic there. If it’s successful.
Okay, that’s a lot to go over in a short period of time. I am wishing.
I don’t think I have any more to say, not right at the moment.
So yes, I am wishing all of you the very best in life. Have a wonderful day, bye-bye