La Habra City Hall
The Pleasing Architecture of La Habra City Hall
While visiting La Habra City Hall I was impressed by the architectural design of this building. It appears to be in a Spanish Revival style. When visiting La Habra City Hall don’t miss the monument on the west side of the building. The monument provides some interesting insight about the importance of this corner in California history. It seems that the La Habra City Hall is built on one of the most historic locations in La Habra.
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La Habra City Hall and Civic Buildings are a Lesson in Branding.

All the civic buildings in the City Hall Civic Center complex share the same architectural characteristics. I think it’s a great example of branding. In this case, a small city with spot on branding sensibilities. The point is, you know a city building by its styling. It looks like the buildings all conform to a style guide. Similar to how a style guide helps keep a business on brand.
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Next time you drive by La Habra City Hall, stop and take a look inside.
The interior of the La Habra City Hall building is also quite nice. As would be expected, there are hidden gems to discover at the La Habra City Hall building and the greater city hall civic center complex.
City Council Chambers
I always like it when the city council chambers are easy to find. I also think it is pleasing when they have their own entrance. This is the place the citizens gather to discuss important issues, so it is fitting that the council chambers reflect this important function in their design.

I show some hidden points of interest in this video and others will be revealed in additional videos and posts.
The following is basically the transcript from the video put in a paragraph format.
Yeah, I’m Andrew Ledford and today we are in La Habra. We’re at the community center right up here. You can see, City of La Habra Community Center, but we are headed down to City Hall. So come on, let’s get on down there. I always thought they had a nice set up here. Great place for doing some speeches, doing some public presentations and lots of parking.
We have the police department over this way. I’m not so sure if you can see it or not, but right over here. So we have all the city buildings kind of in this little cluster right here.
We’re on Euclid. Euclid in La Habra Boulevard.
Okay, so here you can see we have La Habra Boulevard and we’ll just wait to pass down here this way. Here’s La Habra City Hall right over here.
So La Habra City Hall, that’s where we’re going.
Push the button across the street on this side. Here we go. The guy over here pushed the button for us. Here. Here we go.
I’m going to go take a look at the plaque here and see what it has to say. So here this was dedicated.
Then we have this down here. The first post office officially naming this settlement La Habra was granted in 1896.Established in a corner of Coy’s store, located on this site, El Camino Viejo. The old Road between the missions pasted this corner and it became the Central Trading Point in the fertile La Habra Valley.
Okay, we’re continuing our little trip here to see City Hall, La Habra City Hall.
Kind of a noisy street that we’re on, don’t you think? Here it is. Here’s La Habra City Hall.
It’s kind of hard to see here. You’re gonna have to probably step out in the street. Get a good look at city hall. I don’t wanna get run over.
Okay, well I came around to the back. You know what? The back is as nice looking as the front. This is where you’ll come to get your building permits, your business license, all that sort of thing. You’ll come on down to city hall. They have a very nice, nice building. Really nice inside too. You should go in there and see it.
Quite nice. Okay, I think we’re gonna be headed back. That’s gonna do it for this little trip.
Oh, hey, we’re coming up to the council chamber. This is where the city council meets. Come on down and hear what, what the city is up to. They’re always interesting. Some cities are, the council meetings are really long and boring and some are a lot shorter and more interesting, but here it is. Here’s the council chamber. So this one looks a lot nicer than Brea, doesn’t it? So we’re gonna just come up here. There’s a little bit of pedestrian traffic down there. Oh, and look at this.
A lot of these people have the tiles. So there we go. We’re gonna go take a little look closer here inside the arches. Well, the entryway here is a whole lot nicer than Brea. You’d think that Brea is being such a big city there, entrance to their city council would be a little bit more ornate, but nope.
Okay, this time I am wishing you the very best in life.
Have a wonderful day. Bye-bye.