Buena Park City Hall and Civic Center,
City Hall in Buena Park, California.

The Buena Park City Hall Video is towards the middle of the post.
I think anyone who lives in North Orange County will drive by the Buena Park City Hall and Civic center many times a month. Beach Boulevard is often the best way to get from the very north of the county to points further south. The Buena Park City Hall and Civic Center is at the major crossroads of North Orange County, being located on Beach Blvd between the 5 freeway and the 91 freeway.
City Hall is where you go to get a business license as well as to learn more about zoning and building permits. A lot of city business can now be done online. However when you’re looking for a new Buena Park Website you need to contact the web design guy right here on this website.
Along with that new business license you may also need a new website, I can help you with that. I do Buena Park web design.
Buena Park City Hall and Community Center
Along with City Hall the video also shows the community center. By the way, from the outside it looks quite nice. I will also show where to pay the water bill. The City of Buena Park provides a convenient water bill payment box. It looks like a mailbox but for water bills.
Buena Park City Council Chambers
The City Council Chambers is inside the main building. This is something you should probably know if you are getting a conditional use permit for a business or property. I know some cities also like to have you go in and explain any major and sometimes minor building projects.
The historical society is across the street and one of these days I will get in there to do a quick video. I am planning on doing more public access TV programs in the near future.
Here is the information about the Buena Park City Hall and Cultural Center from the video.
And we have some reconstruction going on here, some building improvements. So it looks like they’re changing the facade here a bit. Can’t really see a whole lot of what they’re doing. But this is the sort of thing you’re gonna have to go down to city hall and pull permits for. So any of you small businesses out there, you know the routine.
There we go. That’s going to do it for looking at this little building project reconstruction remodel.
Yes, I am Andrew Ledford. And today we are at the City of Buena Park Civic Center.
We are at the Buena Park Civic Center. That is right. Come on, let’s go see what’s here. You’ve, you’ve been here with me before. The last time I was here was in December, right before Christmas. And you can guess what I was here for. I was here to get some video of that Christmas tree and it was right over here.
We are at both the city hall right over here and the police department right over here. And during Christmas, the Christmas tree was right in here. In this area. Right in here. So if you’re going to be doing any business here in Buena Park, you’re probably going to need to come down to City Hall, or you probably can do it online now, to get a business license and also information for any building permits.
Earlier today we were taking a look at some construction and remodeling. This is where they’d have to go to get the permits to do that. So here we are. It’s a pretty nice city hall. Don’t you think? It’s nicer than some I’ve seen, right there.
Pretty good sized building. You’d expect that of Buena Park right in here. And this is where the Christmas tree was. I don’t know if you remember doing that. And then we have this sculpture here.

We’re gonna go take a little look at it. When I was a kid, at the Air Force base, the sergeants would always come out and yell at you if you walked on the grass. Nobody yelled at me this time. So here we go. And we’re going to come down here and just take a look at these folks who passed away.
Some of you may have seen the police dog cemetery in Long Beach. I did a video there several years ago. Some of those dogs I personally knew, knew their story, knew when they got shot, knew the people that they apprehended or knew of them. I didn’t know them, but I heard the stories.
Back then I had a public access TV show and Officer Stewart, he was a frequent guest and his dog was super. He had a super dog, a great PR dog. But anyway, here we have the police memorial.
And then this is the police station right over here. So if you need to file reports or anything, I always hate to hear it when businesses are having problems with criminals. But these are the folks that would help you out.
Let’s see if we can find the council chambers. I think they’re this way. I think they’re over this way. There’s some stairs over here.
We’re going down that way. And we have a little map.
It tells you about landscaping and gardening. Little map tells you about landscaping and gardening with succulents. Look at this. Here we go. And they have their little succulent garden.
I do wanna warn all of you if you have pets or children, some of those succulents from Africa and Madagascar can be toxic. So just watch what you plant.
Sort of thought the chamber was over this way. Yeah, it looks like it might be. Look at this nice covered veranda. I thought it was arches, but it’s not arches. And I see people going in down here, getting into the shade. Here we go. I think this is where the chamber, uh, or city council, I should say City council chambers are in here, I believe.
But let’s see actually, or maybe it’s just the community center. Let’s see. Buena Park City Hall. The afterhours water payment box. You can pay your water bills here. Oh my. My camera’s all wonky. There we go. So you can pay your water bills here and the community centers around the other way.
Where are the chambers? The Buena Park City Council Chambers. That’s what I want to know. Where do you come and talk to the council at?
Here’s where you pay the water bill. Right here. I’m surprised people don’t steal stuff outta there. But the police, right over here, so maybe they keep it safe.
The police helicopter.
Oh, this is a community center. So they put the community center out here in the back. That’s nice. It’s pretty nice looking. Looks like its quite large and it’s a nice facility. Again, you would expect something like this in Buena Park.
We’re going to let these people come out before we do a little, little video of the front. Here we go. They’re passing on by. There we go. That’s it. That is the community center. There we go. That’s the community center right there.
Yes. The city council chambers are inside.
You go right through this door and they’re to the right.
So you just go right in through the front entrance and immediately to the right, there’s some double doors there. So if you need to go in and plead your case for having a zone change or a conditional use permit. That’s where you’re going to do it.
I am wishing all of you the very best in life. Have a wonderful day. Bye-bye.
Check out the Buena Park Web Design page.