Orange County Web Design Cities, California

North Orange County Web Design

North Orange County Website Design, I do the web work so you don’t have to.

We are your preferred North Orange County Website Designers for California businesses who are looking to implement an effective website marketing strategy with a maintenance / growth program.

(562) 423-1691

The Orange County web design article is broken into two sections: The short low effort part and the longer version with more detail.

Orange County Web Design Short Version.

OC web design short version – who it’s for, why I do, it and how you can get it.

Who Is North Orange County Web Design For?

I help guide businesses on their success journey by designing processes and activities focused on behavior change, marketing, narrative, and strategy. Many of these activities rely on a website and phone number for lead generation and converting prospects to customers.

Why I start with web design. Sure, you can hire me to help without building out your website, and that is an option. However, several businesses who have wanted help with some aspect of their marketing have had websites with problems. Yes, their website looks nice, but under the hood there are problems that could lead to future issues. I will usually suggest they have their current web designer fix the problems and there is usually pushback. The solution, if I build the website, then it will be at a certain standard as we work on other areas of marketing.

Websites are not the only service I offer, but they are the easiest to understand and are more tangible than behavioral design or the implementation of a theory. You can see a website, where a new emerging habit is harder to see.

The Web Design Problem:

Problem One:
Usually a new website is not done as an impulse, it’s done to solve some problem. Usually it is a problem that involves a goal. Frequently business owners and managers want to increase their ranking in search engines. Another common problem is the site is not converting prospects into customers. So the site needs to increase the number of leads and the amount of business. There are other reasons, but I hear these the most.

Problem Two:
Developing a website takes effort and resources. There is always the question of, will it be worth it, does it make sense? A small business is always fighting behavioral inertia, competing commitments, and the negative effects of effort while battling highly competitive forces with limited resources.

How to overcome the obstacle of high effort and limited resources?
How do we overcome behavioral inertia, competing commitments, and the negative effects of effort, while battling highly competitive forces with limited resources? You need a plan.

Web Design Marketing Process plan

Your website is a little microcosm of your business. There is a good chance you’ll have the chance to experience most of the elements of problem two while working at achieving the goals found in problem one.

Overcoming some of the problems found in getting a well-designed website is most easily accomplished with the help of a guide. While I might look like I should be guiding pioneer wagon trains along a dangerous wagon road, I’m actually the twenty-first century guide helping people navigate the super highway we call, The Internet.

How behavioral inertia and the negative effects of effort affect us needs further clarification. First we need to determine if our objectives are finite or infinite. Will our objectives have a beginning and end? Or will they need to be done continuously? Getting the initial website built is finite. Continuously improving and maintaining it is infinite. While behavioral design is beyond the scope of this article, there are techniques that can assist and make both of these types of tasks more manageable.

Are you ready to get started with your North Orange County Web Design and Marketing plan? Then Call

(562) 423-1691

The short version of the OC web design article is in a state of ongoing development. Come back and see how it evolves.

This video is more about the markets or cities of North Orange County, CA than about web design. Local businesses will find it interesting. You should recognize many of the landmarks and locations.

OC Website Design, The Long Version.

I focus on North Orange County web design

I specialize in building Minimum Viable Websites, the starter website, and then developing them into something bigger and better. In addition, I only focus on North Orange County and the surrounding areas. This focus allows for a higher level of service by reducing the geographical area served.

My geographical focus = North Orange County, California
My specialization = Minimum Viable Website
(the Starter Website) Design + Maintenance and Growth = local website marketing.

North Orange County web design for small businesses.

I focus on North Orange County Website Design for small businesses and business professionals. Especially businesses that find building a website complicated and confusing. Change always causes stress and effort always equals cost. That means for a lot of people building and maintaining a website causes stress because technology changes constantly and is costly because working on a website takes extra effort. I can solve this problem. When you’re ready to talk about a new website give me a call.

Get Your Business license from La Habra City Hall Orange County, CA Get your website from me.

La Habra City Hall, Orange County, California.

Brea Civic Center Orange County, CA for your business license and me for your OC Web Design.

Brea Civic & Cultural Center in Orange County, California.

Are you looking for cheap or for boutique?

I will help make the website setup as simple as possible. When thinking what you want out of a web designer, is having one dedicated consultant something you would be interested in? Sure, you can get it done cheap, if you don’t mind working with random overseas support.

Perhaps you would like to work with a native English speaker, who is local?

Orange County Web Design Computer graphic.

Benefits of local Orange County Website Design

I am the one you will be working with and I have lived in North Orange County a good part of my life, however, now I’m just across the county line. Close enough that I can visit your North Orange County business. Why is this important? Because I can stop by if needed to help with content creation and do onsite training. Perhaps you need to do community outreach in North Orange County or a neighboring community. Being local allows for this possibility. Community outreach is an old school marketing tactic that is still effective. Or maybe you need help with some other part of marketing that is best done in person. I have a diverse range of skills and can offer marketing and sales help in multiple areas.

I have a form to kick things off, so you can get started right now, Today!

More than OC web design.

Behavioral design is one of my hobbies and what I do in my other businesses. I help people change their behavior to influence and change their environments. Getting a new website and creating content means you will need to learn at least some new skills (skills = behavior | new skill = learning new behavior) to turn your website into a lead generation resource. However, I can help take most of the load off your shoulders with my support and growth programs, where I manage the website and make updates. Many businesses find this the best and easiest solution. Get more information with a discovery call.

(562) 423-1691

I have heard strategy experts call many aspects of this process “Strategic Design.” When I write about it for personal growth,, I often call it narrative design.

What I do is Strategic Orange County Web Design

I can help you develop new website marketing habits to grow your online footprint. This could be called

  • Strategic Design
  • Behavioral design
  • Narrative design

The reason I focus on North Orange County Web Design, the Michael Porter Theory.

Marketing Strategy Porter

You may be asking, so, “you focus on North Orange County Web Design, so what?” Well let me explain. I’m following the advice of Michael Porter, an American academic known for his theories on economics and business strategy. I am following a focus and differentiation strategy.

One of the business strategies Michael Porter identified was focus. I can help your business do this too. I focus on serving North Orange County small businesses and professionals. I also focus on the type of websites I build. Actually he split the focus strategy into two groups. I am working with both.

Another business strategy he identified was differentiation. What makes your business different from your competition? What is your unique value proposition? While I do have some defined differentiation I talk about, I ‘m always working at improving the value chain to serve you better. My most noticeable differentiation is that I use behavioral design strategies, along with offering in person ancillary marketing services to the service areas I focus on, mainly the North Orange County area of California.

Another possible differentiation is the web design process I incorporate into the project. I use a four stage content first design methodology establishing the client as the subject matter expert with me as the web design/marketing expert. In addition I incorporate a risk mitigation strategy into the development process. Every web design project has risks, we need to acknowledge them and have a plan to deal with them. There may be other differentiators, but they’re more subtle. If Michael Porter’s theory is correct I should be able to offer superior service to a focused market (target market.)

What advantages are there to working with the proverbial “web designer near me?”

I specialize in getting you started with a type of website that is the mainstay of small business website marketing. A website that can be grown and developed over time.

I specialize in information websites for local North Orange County service businesses and others who need this type of website with ancillary capabilities. After all, this is the North Orange County web design page. At this time I’m not doing e-commerce sites, instead I am focusing on information websites. And starter informational websites at that. With specialization comes additional efficiencies and capabilities. By focusing on a small geographical area and a particular type of website, I can provide additional value added services to local businesses with increased efficiencies. This is a valid strategy according to Michael Porter (see below.) Many local Orange County businesses will benefit from a well-made information website and the added services I can provide.

You get additional services with a support and growth membership subscription. I also offer add-on services that will interest some local businesses. When you’re ready to get started give me a call.

(562) 423-1691

If I’m not in, leave a message.

Andrew at City Hall Fullerton, Orange County, California

Why choose an Orange County Website Design service?

Sometimes when using a website as the hub in a hub and spokes marketing model a small business needs more than just web design. Being local to North Orange County lets me offer some of these additional services. Ancillary services may include some that require in person and on location visits. It’s more than just web design. Many North Orange County businesses primarily serve local customers, so traditional marketing often needs to be integrated into the website promotional plan. My Orange County Web design can be more than just web design

Do you find understanding the requirements of a modern website, not to mention web design, is more difficult than you thought it would be?

A lot of small business owners I talk to find the backend and dashboard of popular Content Management Systems, like WordPress, not only frustrating, but a bit irritating as well. When you get into the dashboard, what do you do? How do you keep from breaking the site? Making a change that breaks the site is a common problem.

WordPress Plugins

Not only do you need to learn WordPress, but you also need to add the right add-on software called plugins. The question is, which plugin to use? On the official WordPress repository there are over 60,000 to choose from. There are also additional premium paid plugins to consider. All of these decisions are what the business strategist Michael Porter (see above) called shopping costs. After picking one, then you need to learn how to configure and use it. The same thing with themes, after installing one, you need to configure it? Themes don’t all work the same way. Just because you know how to use one, two, or even three themes doesn’t mean you know them all.

A lot of website management problems can be avoided by subscribing to a care and support program, where the web service provider, that’s me, takes care of updates and maintenance.

Small Business Websites in Orange County

So even trying to figure out what your business website should have and not have can be confusing. Then you need to find a designer. Who do you go with? An overseas company? An out of state company or freelancer? Or someone local? There are some advantages to working with a local North Orange County web designer. First is, they’re close enough to come to your business location if needed. This can be helpful if they’re also helping you create content.

Small Business Websites Graphic

Are you finding the whole web design process from selecting vendors, software, hosting, and collecting content takes more time than you thought it would?

People with a small business to run have a lot to do and not enough time to do it. Web design does take time, but it goes a lot quicker when you know the right buttons to push. Also having a process can make the project more efficient. Being more efficient means you don’t need to go back in to redo site structure and/or as many design elements.

I can help you out of the quagmire of no time and confusing tech with North Orange County web design. Once the website is up and running you’ll probably want to develop it into a more valuable business asset, that’s why I combine web design with a support and growth package. I do the web work so you don’t have to.

(562) 423-1691

I provide solutions, not just websites.

Website Design Strategy

Not only am I an Orange County website designer, but I also offer website coaching and consultation. Consultation can be useful for developing a content strategy and/or for learning to use the dashboard. Although probably 85 percent of small business owners don’t want to deal with the backend dashboard at all. Again, many small business owners find website management adds to their stress level and takes effort. That’s why I offer a website support and growth package. While it may sound like an unnecessary expense when you first think of a website, its value becomes apparent to most small businesses as they start doing updates and working with the backend dashboard. I’m here to help you get started on your new website, give me a call at

(562) 423-1691

I can help you understand the website process and how the ecosystem works. At least well enough so you can make an informed decision about what solution will work best for you. I can guide you through the different stages of the website build and explain some of the unseen design elements you probably haven’t thought of.

Local North Orange County Web Design can Reduce Stress & Reduces Effort.

Give me a call and let me help you overcome the behavioral inertia, the stress, and the effort that stands between you and getting your new website.

(562) 423-1691

People who aren’t familiar with online technology often find building a website overwhelming. Website growth takes even more effort. Through a combination of behavioral design and standard web design best practices I can help simplify the process. I can guide you through the different stages of the website build and its lifecycle. At MyOnTheRoad.Net I’m more than an order taker. I’ll become part of your marketing team, and it begins with our Minimum Viable Website (starter website) package. Then we help implement additional processes, procedures, and programs to grow the website into a useful business asset.

Start the discovery process Give me a call

(562) 423-1691

It all begins with a modern website.

Here’s why we begin with a Minimum Viable Website, the starter website. Your website needs a solid foundation. In the beginning you may not know the best way to use your website. I will have ideas, but no one really knows until you test. We can take a page from Edwards Deming’s Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle to get an idea of how to test. When your site is live we can see how it performs and make adjustments. We can add strategic content. We can ask customers for feedback, and let performance guide future additions to the site. It’s most likely that a starter website will not rank well in search engines. This is true even with a lot of average SEO work. I am experimenting with some new ideas that might get fairly quick ranking, but they are expensive, and I don’t yet have any data to justify them. Right now they are one hundred percent speculation. High cost and high risk. This is an advantage of working with a website designer, they are always hearing about new ways to promote your business, and they often do experiments to test, explore, and invent new processes.

While SERPS (Search Engine Results Page) rankings may be hard to come by, there are more standard local search techniques that you need to implement. Local search techniques and directory marketing should be a high priority for all new websites. It’s easier to get top ranking on a google search page with local SEO than in the regular SERPS. Local SEO includes the directory listings I mention at the end of my new book “To Website Or Not To Website.” It’s a short book that will help move you towards your business goals, including a new website.

WordPress Web Design OC

I’m your guy for North Orange County WordPress web design.

While I do WordPress web design I also offer consultation and additional services that increase the value of a new website. When I design your site it will have a pleasing appearance while being mobile responsive, SEO friendly, and fast loading. Features that make WordPress a good choice for small business websites include being relatively easy to update, having good URL architecture, and being extensible.

Of course if you’re in our Orange County business service area and all you need is a website design solution, get in touch for a free consultation. While the value received with our maintenance and growth subscription is substantial, if you don’t need any training/coaching and want to take care of the hosting and maintenance on your own, we can still help.

Even if you only need a website you’ll self-host, it may still be worth a call to chat about your options. In the future you may decide the value I provide is more than worth it. Those looking for a more personal touch and a growth strategy will find I’m a best value for your North Orange County website build and local marketing. Are you ready to get started? Call me at

(562) 423-1691

Website Design is a Team Effort.

Web Design is a team effort like TV production.

Just like doing a TV video production, with websites, there needs to be collaboration between stakeholders. There are stages a TV video production will go through. Some of the stages include pre-production, recording the video, and post production. Building a website goes through a similar process. Building a WordPress website starts with getting information about your business and what you need the website to do. This is the pre-production or project planning stage. The project planning stage is a time to clarify what the deliverables will look like and what the goals are? This is where the initial scope of the project is set.

The Orange County Website Design Process

Part of our Orange County website design process is to understand your business strategy and goals. It starts with a discovery call, if what I offer makes sense to you we can go to the next step. This is the project planning stage, where we deep dive into your target market, your website strategy, as well as your website goals and aspirations. Once we know who your customers are, your strategy, and goals we can begin the project development stage including the website design and build. Finally we Launch the website and flip the switch to make it go live. Your new website will be designed to showcase your expertise, along with your services and/or products.

Website Strategy and consultation involves more than just your OC web design.

There are two main marketing assets a business really owns and controls online. The first is their website and the second is their email list.

Your page Home is like Rome.

Websites are the hub with spokes leading in from other marketing.

Your website is your business’s home base. Like Rome, all roads, all routes from your online outposts need to lead back to the home base. Just like all roads lead to Rome, online, all roads from the internet superhighway need to lead to a website called Home. This is frequently referred to as the hub and spokes model. Your website is the hub of the wagon wheel and the spokes are all the outside marketing channels that collect traffic and lead it back to the website.

With local businesses these spokes can also include offline marketing. There are a wide variety of businesses and customers that need to be incorporated and planned for within the design process. Our North Orange County web design does account for how far North you are. Those in the most Northern part of the county will most likely be less concerned with convention visitors and only mildly with theme park visitors. Those in the Buena Park area may need to consider and target Knott’s Berry Farm visitors.

Areas served, I primarily do website design in the very North part of Orange County.

While we serve all of North Orange County with web design, marketing, and video, at this time we’re primarily focusing on the very north of the county. Approximately North of Lincoln Ave. This includes La Habra, Fullerton, Brea, Placentia, Yorba Linda, La Palma, Buena Park, and parts of Anaheim. Technically I think of North Orange County as that part of the county bordered by the Pacific Ocean, and the 55 freeway on the east. Roughly the boundaries of the old Yellow Pages, and the 714 area code.

There are several major business corridors running through the northern part of North Orange County. Depending on your business, these may influence both your web design and other aspects of your business. Especially if you have a brick and mortar location located on or very close to one of these. We have old route 39, Beach Boulevard. Beach Blvd is a major thoroughfare from the Puente hills to the Pacific Ocean. Importantly it is also the main road to Knott’s Berry Farm. If you have a business that is influenced by Beach Blvd traffic then this may be important information when designing your North Orange County website. Harbor Blvd is the other North South Road that connects all of North Orange County.

A very important East West corridor is Imperial Hwy. The Imperial Hwy corridor ties much of the very North part of the county together. You will find some of the largest employers in North Orange County as well as small mom and pop stores located along this road or just off the main drag. Each of these business corridors has a historic narrative just as every business has a story to tell.

Beach Blvd and Imperial Hwy, La-Habra, Orange-County, CA

You need to be On The Road to get traffic and business.

It’s roads that bring traffic to your local business, in the same way that the internet brings traffic to your website. A lot of your website traffic is likely to come from the digital superhighway we call the internet. Your social media profile pages should all point back to your website. As much as possible your social media posts should also direct people back to your website as home base.

North Orange County is located in a desirable part of California and is right next to Los Angeles County. North Orange County is home to some of California’s most iconic theme parks. Quite a few local businesses rely on the dollars brought in by visitors and tourists coming from outside the area. Even though these customers aren’t locals, while visiting, they are shopping locally.

North Orange County also boasts a world class convention center. Conventions are important because they bring in customers from outside the area. There are some important Orange County conventions that set, reflect, and/or define the trends in an industry. As a website, online marketing, video guy, the first one that comes to mind is Vidcon. Local businesses have easy access to these events without travel expenses.

Andrew Doing Experiential Marketing and Networking at Vidcon Party

In this photo I’m networking and doing
Engagement Marketing at a Vidcon party In Orange County, CA

Local conventions and trade shows may also provide additional promotional opportunities for face to face engagement marketing. Where do those people you meet face to face go to get more information about your business? They go online. Ideally you want them going to an asset that you own and where you control all the messaging. That is your website.

Until your website is gaining search traffic you will need to have a way to direct people to the site. Social media is one way. If you already have a customer base that is going to be the easiest and most effective way to get started. You want an easy way for your customers to refer others to your site.

Your Orange County website features and functionality.

With our Minimum Viable Website (starter website) package, you’ll get a foundation website that serves as your launch pad to build on as your needs grow and change. Your new website will function as your online infrastructure for establishing your internet presence, increasing your online credibility, and ultimately allowing you to reach more customers.

Our Minimum Viable Website (starter website) package includes the basics you would expect with most web designers, plus the hand holding and behavioral prompts needed for a successful website build. In addition there is the option for a year of hosting billed quarterly and additional services to enhance the usefulness of the website.

A lot of what used to be differentiators for small business websites are now just table stakes.

Website Design Audit for OC Dog Walker
An Orange County website I’m developing. In this screenshot you can see it has a few issues I need to work on, SEO will go up when published, in this test, search engines were blocked, accessibility is already good but will improve after a few fixes.

Some examples of what is now standard web design practices are:

Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design, sometimes referred to as being Mobile-friendly. Being Mobile-friendly may mean different things depending on the web designer. Usually what is being referred to is a responsive web design. Most websites get more than half of their visitors on mobile these days, so the site needs to have that built into the design. Some outdated designs are not responsive and don’t have this feature, but all WordPress sites are mobile responsive.

While using a mobile responsive design is the standard, being mobile optimized is not. Again modern website platforms allow easy customization for both desktop and mobile. Although it does require some extra time, effort, and work.

Website speed
Website speed is still a little bit of a differentiator, but not as much as it used to be. Best practices dictate that a website has a fairly fast load time. While not all sites are doing this, they are moving in this direction. So unless a site is extremely slow, this is not much of a differentiator. It is a little, but not huge. If you see my website build and tutorial videos you’ll see site speed is a feature I work at implementing. Even if site speed is not super good, all it needs to be is adequate. If I’m auditing your existing site and I see an adequate, but not super-fast site speed, I’m not going to try to sell you a new site so it’ll be faster. But there may be other reasons for a new site. I place more importance on some site metrics than others.

While site speed is not as important for a desktop, it can be an important part of mobile optimization. So website speed can affect how mobile friendly your website is.

Relatively easy-to-use content management system
Building a website with an easy-to-use content management system used to be a big deal, now almost every site is built with one. Most use WordPress and that is also what I use. While people claim WordPress is easy to use, many small business owners find the dashboard intimidating and confusing. Just like learning any new software, WordPress does take at least a little skill. This is why I offer the support and growth package, where I do the WordPress work, so you don’t have to. To get started call me at.

(562) 423-1691

For those who have not used WordPress before, it does require some training. Sometimes a lot of training. While I have walked people with zero technical skill through the process of installing and configuring software with Zoom during the Covi-19 lockdown, it is nice to have the option of doing onsite training. This is one advantage of North Orange County businesses working with a local web designer.

I am pretty good at teaching new skills and systems. Yes, you will be working with me for the deployment of the site and most of the support. Like a baseball coach, I can help you avoid the strikes while making more homeruns. Developing your website is like being a star baseball player. It takes training, effort, innate skill (what’s your special skill or area of expertise, what are you a subject matter expert at,) a team, and a lot of hard work. With a little luck we can make it to the World Series. Teaching new skills and behavioral design is most likely one of my differentiators. While web design is becoming easier to do each year, coaching and helping people through change is as much art as science.

Is Search Engine Optimization a design feature or something to be added later?

Designing search engine optimization into the site design.

This feature varies across the board. Most web designers who are getting paid more than a few hundred dollars are going to design the site with SEO in mind. Making a website SEO friendly is part of the design process. It’s not something to be bolted on after the site is built. While the basic structure for SEO is built into the site, content development is ongoing. Building out the SEO profile with content is one of the objectives of our support and growth subscription.

This article should give you some additional points to consider when deciding on a North Orange County website designer.

After reading this far I bet you’re ready for a new website. Get in touch with me for your North Orange County Web Design projects

(562) 423-1691

If you’re interested in a website that’s more complex than my starter website, let me know more about it. I still may be able to help. There are some projects I may take on as special interest projects.